BE AWARE and let’s be safe 

Please help us make the car drop-off zone on 5th Street a success while the old school demolition is in progress.


The newly created drop-off zone is a great option for students who are independent and can quickly exit their vehicles and walk to the building. The drop-off zone can be used when:


  • Students can get out of the car on the right-hand side, closest to the school
  • Students can get out of the car by themselves and the car doesn't have child-safety-lock in place
  • Driver stays inside the vehicle 
  • Drivers pull forward to the furthest available space to leave room for other cars and to keep the crosswalk clear
  • The drop-off process is quick and done in a timely manner  


Please AVOID the following behavior in the car drop-off zone:


  • Drivers waiting for their students to enter the building
  • Drivers backing up their cars and potentially hitting walkers on the crosswalk
  • Drivers stopping on the crosswalk by 5th Street and 2nd Avenue


A recent improvement was to move teacher parking to 3rd and 4th Avenues. This creates more spots for families to park during pick up and drop off. Here are some details:


  • 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue are available for parents to park during pick up and drop off 
  • 1st and 2nd Avenues are good parking options for families who wish to walk their students to the door and/or wait until the doors are open
  • Please be respectful to not block the driveways when parking
  • Please use extreme caution when turning onto 5th Street from 2nd Avenue
  • Please show utmost respect to all traffic guards who keep our students safe


Also note:


  • Please be cautious walking along 3rd Avenue, currently it is open for cars. Be aware of oncoming traffic. 
  • When the demolition begins only the sidewalk opposite the old school will be open and the street will be closed to cars. 

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