Upcoming Events

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The Hutchinson Parent-Teacher Association is a bridge between the parents of our students and the teachers and Principal. The PTA communicates essential information to parents about the school and runs several programs either in association with the school or independently.


Your contribution to the PTA helps to fund:

• Cultural Arts Assemblies

• International Day
• Artists Residencies
• Science Assemblies
• Class Trips
• Refreshments at School Events
• Walk-to-School Day
• Community Clean-Up
• Recess Supplies
• Welcoming New Families
• Various need-based Scholarships (musical instrument rentals, enrichment classes, etc.)
• Annual scholarship to a graduating PMHS student


The PTA also organizes:

• Hutchinson Directory

• The Hutchinson Highlights
• Class Parent Program
• Lunchtime Enrichment
• Hutchinson Family Barbecue
• Plant Sale
• Book Fair

• Class Pictures
• Fundraisers
• Online School Supply Sale
• The Kids’ Vote on Election Day

Why join the PTA?

Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!


Check out the Membership Toolkit Mobile App.